
Labor of Love

So I'm in Love....
With Lauren-Anne's wedding photographer.
NOT that I'm getting married soon or anything, but I have spent countless hours on their website and am simply in awe of their talent and ability to capture priceless moments. These are a few of my favorites, but for more you can go to http://www.ourblogoflove.com/
Stay posted for their pictures of Lauren-Anne's wedding! April 25th!


A First Glance

Glimpses of my first taste of New Orleans.


Brubaker Elementary

For the past eight weeks I have been starting that thing they call a career in a third grade classroom. I have loved every minute of it - third graders rock! My class has been so good - I completed two weeks of "bell-to-bell" teaching which means I teach every subject, every day, which although it was tiring, was the best two weeks in the classroom. I have also perfected my teacher look - which some of you may have recieved before...Life besides that has pretty much stopped, except, oh you know, for planning the Relays, working three day a week, taking two classes, starting to run a little bit, and develop an entire portfolio. I can't believe that my time in third grade is almost over. Working with eight and nine year olds has reintroduced me to some great literature - including my favorite author, Robert Munsch! (Those little kids really LOVED says, "HEY YOU DUMB PIGS!" and not getting in trouble for it...)After spring break (which after this winter, I must say I am ecstatic about!) I move to an eighth grade resource room. Although I'm not necessarily looking forward to working with those preteen bundles of joy - I'm looking forward to the chance and grow as a professional. Well - as rain continues to fall in Des Moines and I continue to put of my TFA reading, I better say goodbye:)